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ui kit

what is UI Kit and why should we use UI kit

The biggest advantage of using UI kit is it save time while developing any website or Apps.

UI kit is set of file which contain user interface component fonts,design files,icons,documentation,Html/css file,template.

UI kit allow user to edit and expand on the existing components without creating them from scratch.Now many MNC company use UI kit in a pro-
ject by reason of to save the time.

Why should we use UI kit

Speed you can collect the components insert them into your design and get new modify design quickly.

UI kits are a combination and grouping of elements thats are very common two First is specific design system Second operating system.

It is core framework that helps ous to build Apps for iOS and it work in two different ways.First it provides default components.iOS Apps have a similar look and feel across many different sellers that is by reason of these default components.


Apple provides button image view and diffirent components that we can reuse in different apps that make our apps behave and look similar for user.
Additionally it provides skeleton for how we write our codes for our apps
so instead of reinventing of weel every time we start in the app from scratch
and we have to wonder how to write code for it UI Kit actually provides a framework and it discusses certain rule how we should write our code. The main components of the UI kit framework are view, views controllers and scenes.

Main components:Views and view controllers which are used to build scenes.

Views: views are responsible for displaying information and it can capture user input example Textfield ,Button,imageView

Text field:Text fields that allow the user to enter text

Button:Buttons that allow user to tap and interact with our views

Image view:Image view that allow ous to render images on the screen

User Interface Element or

ui element

  1. Tables
  2. Header and footer
  3. Color swatches
  4. Tooltips
  5. Progress bars and sliders
  6. Navbars
  7. Drop-Downs
  8. Breadcrumbs
  9. Icons and glyphs

View controllers:View controllers are container for these view

View controllers:View controllers itself has no visual representation .you can only see the view of view controller

What is the main responsibility of view controller for our applications View controllers get informed about different system events
Example:When views appear on the screen or views disappear,
if device rotates the view controller uses that information to
make changes to its views

Benifit of using UI kit

1) Time


Time:Time is the main benifit while use ui kit in any project.It save time of any developer when any project is created.Many MNC companies are using UI kit to save the time.

2) you can modify your design easily:when developer use UI kit in any project if client does not like view .Developer can easily modify project.
